A Thriving Local Community
14 February 2024

Apsley – a thriving local community
Second time home builders Britney Brookes and Joshua Grant are a great example of what makes Apsley such a popular, fast growing residential community.
The young couple were among the first to build at Apsley and have made the decision to build there again a second time, upgrading from a town house to a free-standing home and adding more land and space to the equation.
Their commitment to their local community is typical of those who now call Apsley home.
Launched by QUBE Property just over three years ago with 400 lots sold to date, they are part of a tight knit community that has watched the area develop literally from the ground up.
Bordered by picturesque Mokare Reserve and surrounded by some of the area’s best bushland trails, Apsley has grown into a vibrant inclusive community in a short time frame.
The estate is now home to the popular New Ground Coffee, as well as a number of community parks including Apsley Park which opened late in 2023 and features a skate park, barbecue area, pump track and plenty of open space.
It’s features like these that have seen second home builders Britney and Joshua elect to build again at Apsley with a view to raising a family in their community of choice.
The pair initially purchased an Apsley townhouse package via the ABN Group owned Homebuyers Centre just over two years ago and elected to build again at Apsley’s Greenview release with ABN group’s Dale Alcock Homes, purchasing a larger house and land package not far from their original home.
The pair met recently with Mr Alcock and other QUBE team members on site in recognition of their commitment as local residents and founding Apsley community members.
Both said they were originally attracted to Apsley by the openness and its abundance of greenery and parks and because it had such a great community feel to it.
“We ended up selling our town house much quicker than we had probably anticipated and while we knew we wanted more space, we wanted to remain part of what we see as a safe, good community to eventually raise a family,” Brooke said.
“We love the community vibe and we have actually made great friends with a lot of our neighbours.
“The cafe is also a great meeting point especially being across the road from a huge park. As well as the future Apsley primary school in the short term, it’s really good for us to be thinking about the future and one day starting a family here,” she added.
“We love the nature aspect as well; we love the walks through the natural bush reserves as well as the tracks.”
They also have the added benefit of bumping into Josh’s dad Steve who is the owner and operator of New Ground Coffee!
Estate Manager Carl McNeill said QUBE had sold over 400 lots at Apsley with a further 1400 scheduled for release over the following 8 years.
Mr McNeill said he had watched the community develop rapidly from farmlandto a close knit, vibrant community.
“Apsley residents have also created their very own Town Team which is acknowledged by the Town Team Movement and is evidence of the locals’ commitment to their community, its growth and future.”
He said block sizes ranged from 315sqm through to 450sqm with buyers typically drawn from surrounding suburbs including Success, Wandi and Hammond Park. Although the majority were first home buyers, he said there were a growing number of second and third home buyers – such as Britney and Joshua – plus a small mix of retirees and investors.
Recent REIWA figures show that the average time on market is three days for the broader Mandogalup area with sales growth of 7.5% and rental growth of 76%.
QUBE is currently offering buyers the Apsley Everything Bundle which is valued at up to $10,000 and includes a solar system, front landscaping, 12 months maintenance and boundary fencing.
For Britney and Josh, the decision was a very easy one. “We’ve lived in Apsley for two years now and we’ve loved every minute of it!”.